San Francisco to unveil the vision for Climate and Ocean Conservation Living Museum

SAN FRANCISCO, – This week marks a historic moment for the world of climate literacy in San Francisco as leaders of climate leadership gather at hundreds of venues- with five events hosted from our twin locations.

The operative word for this GlobaI Climate Summit being ACTION– we have stepped up to the need of the hour by conceiving the first of its kind Climate Literacy and Ocean Conservation living Museum– the vision for this landmark institution will be unveiled following the summit on October 5. The keynote address for this beacon of hope for the future will be delivered by Dr. Jill Biden with opening remarks by Dr. Sylvia Earle. ( Led by President & CEO George Jacob and an international team of experts from across the US, France, Germany, and the UK, it has been two years in the planning and will be the first of its kind in the world.

Established 37 years ago as the Bay Institute, Bay.Org DBA Bay Ecotarium and its six branches are united under one mission to enable conversations on climate resilience and ocean conservation globally, while inspiring actionable change locally by protection and preservation of the San Francisco Bay and its ecosystems, from Sierra to the Sea™.

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