Eurotech: Improving Everyday Life with Everyware IoT™

The concept of Eurotech all began with the idea of miniaturizing and re-purposing state-of-the-art computing and communication technologies to improve quality of life and make the world a better place. The year was 1991. Personal computers had only recently started to become common fixtures in small businesses and homes. Dr. Roberto Siagri envisioned so much more. As a physicist, university professor, and technologist, he recognized the potential for technology to advance at exponential speeds, with computing devices becoming progressively smaller and more powerful. He imagined a world capable of rapidly moving beyond the personal computer to one that is completely connected; a “Pervasive Computing” world surrounded by smart sensors and devices, self-driving vehicles, smart buildings and cities, sophisticated M2M networks, and even human wearable computers interfacing with other devices and networks.

More commonly known today as the Internet of Things (IoT), pervasive computing is the idea that almost any device, from clothing to tools, to appliances, to cars, to homes, to the human body, to one’s coffee mug, can be embedded with chips to connect the device to an infinite network of other devices. The goal of pervasive computing, which combines current network technologies with wireless computing, voice recognition, Internet capability, and artificial intelligence, is to create an environment where the connectivity of devices is embedded in such a way that is unobtrusive and always available.

With pervasive computing as the inspiration, Eurotech was born in 1992 as an “idea factory” for technology miniaturization. Since those early days, the company has evolved to become a globally recognized leader in designing rugged embedded hardware and high-performance computing hardware solutions along with Edge-to-Cloud software technologies for efficiently collecting, processing, and sharing data in a broad range of Industrial IoT (IIoT) and Edge Computing applications.

Based in Amaro, Italy, Eurotech has a global footprint with offices and subsidiaries throughout Europe, North America and Asia. Eurotech’s products are used across a broad range of market segments including healthcare, security, transportation, energy, military, aerospace, and industrial automation.

A True Visionary

From Eurotech’s inception, Dr. Siagri envisioned making the world a better place through technology innovation. As CEO of the Eurotech Group, he has been the driving force behind making this dream a reality. When it comes to the application and evolution of technology in the real world, Dr. Siagri is a true visionary. He views the world differently and from the company’s infancy has infused Eurotech’s innovative product offerings with this vision to help the world around us evolve into the world he has long anticipated.

Consistent with Dr. Siagri’s vision, we now live in a world surrounded by smart sensors and myriad interconnected devices. Not only are these devices proliferating at an exponential pace, they are also becoming smarter and more capable of capturing and delivering more data, making real-time decisions and interacting directly with other devices and people. This is leading to a fundamental change in how we experience data and requires a new approach to data collection and management — one that allows the computation, storage, and processing of data to take place much closer to the data’s point of origin. In other words, Edge Computing and the resulting IT/OT Convergence that allows unprecedented levels of telemetry data to be captured, processed and shared in real-time.

With extensive embedded systems, high-performance computing, and Edge-to-Cloud expertise, Eurotech is well-positioned to lead the way in accelerating the IT/OT convergence paradigm shift. This makes Eurotech one of the Most Innovative IoT Solution Providers of 2019.  

Experience to Enable Real-World IoT

Leading the charge in building and connecting distributed devices involves in-depth collaboration with customers, partners, and integrators to deliver the goods and services society needs in the most efficient and cost-effective means possible. Over more than 25 years, Eurotech has built a great track record doing exactly this.

As evidenced in the marketplace, very few IoT solution providers have significant experience with real IT/OT convergence or in delivering a flexible and secure end-to-end architecture that enables successful and cost-effective IIoT deployments with real results. That’s because most IoT solution providers approach the market from an IT perspective due to having had limited experience with embedded or edge computing. Even fewer of these providers have experience in developing both hardware and software for IoT and cloud deployment.

Eurotech has a unique advantage in that they have decades of experience and technological depth when it comes to working with and integrating embedded/OT and IT platforms. Add to this their expertise around both hardware and software development for enabling Edge-to-Cloud data management, and it makes Eurotech a superior resource for enterprises looking to benefit from digital transformation and IT/OT convergence.

Eurotech’s Everyware IoT Edge-to-Cloud solutions are an important part of many applications that are woven into the fabric of everyday life. Whether helping organizations fine-tune industrial processes, improving efficiencies of a bus, train and subway systems, optimizing crop and food production, making autonomous vehicles safer, or creating a better future with smart energy solutions, Eurotech IoT solutions have permeated the lives of everyday people without their conscious awareness. This is pervasive computing and real-world IoT at work.

The Everyware IoT™ Edge-to-Cloud Platform

Building upon Dr. Siagri’s vision and Eurotech’s decades of experience, the company has created a unique Edge-to-Cloud value proposition that includes hardware, software, and services. Everyware IoT™ is an open Edge-to-Cloud platform that accelerates and simplifies IoT adoption in the enterprise. It consists of three modular components: 1) Multi-Service IoT Edge Gateways or embedded computers that facilitate communication and sharing of data between remote devices and the cloud; 2) Everyware Software Framework™ (ESF), an enterprise-ready IoT edge platform that combines an application development environment with advanced capabilities for data management and connectivity of field devices and cloud services; and 3) Everyware Cloud™ (EC) IoT Integration Platform for easily connecting edge devices to business analytics and enterprise applications at the cloud level.

Today, Eurotech’s embedded hardware technologies and the Everyware IoT Edge-to-Cloud platform are key to successful digital transformation and IT/OT convergence of many of the world’s most progressive and prestigious organizations.

Open Source and IoT Technology Contributions

A commitment to Open Source software has been an important part of the Eurotech journey. In 2012, the company donated the original code base for the Eclipse Kura™ and Eclipse Kapua™ projects to the Eclipse Foundation Open Source Community. In connection with this contribution, Eurotech (together with IBM and Sierra Wireless) also founded the Eclipse IoT working group. These Eclipse IoT projects now form the basis of Eurotech’s commercially supported Everyware IoT Edge-to-Cloud software stack.

Eurotech (together with IBM) was also the original developer of the MQTT protocol, which is now an OASIS and ISO standard that has been adopted by all major IoT cloud service providers. MQTT was specifically designed for efficient, reliable and secure communication between the Edge and the Cloud.

Industry Recognition and Awards

Eurotech’s significant contributions to real-world IoT have been recognized repeatedly by industry publications and analysts. Recent accolades include being named a 2019 leader in the SPARK Matrix Analysis of IIoT Platforms by Quadrant Knowledge Solutions; 2019 European Competitive Strategy Innovation and Leadership Award for Rail Systems by Frost & Sullivan; an IoT Edge Environment Market Leader by Crisp Research; and Best in Show at the 2019 Internet of Things World. The company was also named to Gartner Research’s 2019 IIoT Magic Quadrant.

These and many other awards and milestones underscore the Eurotech commitment to excellence. Significant IoT-related awards and recognitions from previous years include:

  • Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award (2018)
  • Computing Big Data Excellence Award for IoT Infrastructure of the Year (2018, with partners Red Hat and Cloudera)
  • Le Fonti Excellence in Innovation & Leadership, HPC & IoT Solutions (2018)
  • Frost Radar Growth, Innovation & Leadership Award (2018)
  • Incisive Media IoT Infrastructure of the Year (2017, with partner Red Hat)
  • Connected Web 100 Top Technology Leaders (2016)
  • CRN Coolest Internet of Things 50 Most Strategic Vendors (2016)
  • Best of Show at IoT Evolution Expo (2016)
  • Most Innovative Platform Solution of the Internet of Things by Total Telecom (2015)
  • M2M Evolution Battle of the Platforms Award for Efficient M2M Deployment
Eurotech-Industry Recognition

Partnering for Continued Success

Beyond providing an industry-leading set of Edge-to-Cloud solutions and capabilities, Eurotech also understands the importance of IoT and the Cloud as an ecosystem. Based on this philosophy, the company has partnered with industry leaders like IBM, Intel, VMware, Microsoft, Oracle, AWS, Cloudera and Red Hat to facilitate customers’ digital transformation objectives.

Eurotech’s Everyware IoT Edge-to-Cloud platform is designed to bridge the gap between OT and IT. The company considers IT/OT convergence as critical to the advancement and growth of the Internet of Things and continues to position its offerings accordingly. The company intends to “own the edge” by continuing to build upon Dr. Siagri’s pervasive computing vision of making Everyware IoT the Edge-to-Cloud standard. The company also plans to expand its Cloud and IoT ecosystem strategic partnerships in order to accelerate broad-scale adoption of Industrial IoT solutions.  With its depth of knowledge, experience, and innovative thinking, Eurotech is well-positioned to benefit from the increasing trend towards digital transformation, IT/OT convergence, and the emergence of Edge computing that comprise the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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