Ofer Vexler: A Comprehensive Accounting Platform Delivering Excellent CPA Services

After getting his CPA license, Ofer Vexler decided to open his firm in the year 2003, with a clear aim to provide software-based solutions to their clients for their regulation issues. Ofer Vexler is Israeli Certified Public Accountant (CPA) having an additional certification in informational system audit, fraud examination, and climate finance. He is an approved expert of European Bank Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and European grant program Horizon. He pursued his MBA from London University and is an alumnus of a number of Harvard University programs.

He named his company as Ofer Vexler only. The company not only considered accounting as a core area but rather expanded its wings in almost every sphere, ranging from accounting, tax, and audit. The core functionality of the firm lies in raising capital, debt-equity, and nonetheless corporate finance.

Ofer Vexler provides end-to-end solutions to every problem addressed where fraud audit tops the channel. It usually serves investors and buy-side customers. The company not only provides services of due diligence of target companies for investors or buyers, but also provides valuation services. An additional specialty of the company lies in international taxation.

Exemplifying Professionalism

Managing risk has always been crucial for any company. Taking this into consideration, Ofer Vexler is on a mission to provide the best solutions to clients and help them not only in identifying their risks, but also in giving them the best alternatives possible. Professionalism is the key factor which the company prioritizes a lot and even motivates every team member to participate in professional events, as it believes in the motto that ‘learning never stops’.

Broad Range of Offerings

First and foremost, Ofer Vexler does auditing of financial reports or statements while taking into consideration an international standard. Along with Israel, the company also cover Eastern Europe and all the CIS countries. It holds a various specialization in terms of auditor which includes internal auditor, information system auditor, aviation standard auditor, data privacy auditor, cyber vulnerability auditor. Though there have been various specializations its rules remain the same.

The main purpose of auditing is to determine the customer’s risk and critically evaluate an existing risk. The auditing team of the Ofer Vexler not only takes into consideration an identification part but surpasses its wings through providing the best probable solutions and various risk-mitigation strategies to its clients.

Secondly, its core idea is still governed by GRC which hereby means ‘Governance, Risk, and Compliance’. The company holds a rich experience in analyzing all the risks including ‘data privacy’, ‘Security market’. It does its best to make the customer aware of the rules of international taxation especially in context with the rules about FATCA and CRS.

Helping Entrepreneurs Raise Capital

Ofer Vexler helps entrepreneurs who are engaged in a hi-tech business in raising capital from various investors including venture capitalists and private investors. The company also helps its client to get a reliable report about their investment status, as the client does not have direct access to it. Since the firm has a direct connection with various commercial banks, it helps startups get optimal financial assistance from them.

A Strong Hand in International Taxation

Ofer Vexler holds a strong hand in International taxation. As the principles of taxation differ from one country to another, the company helps its clients in building a group taxation maps and further guides them to understand what exact amount of tax the group has to pay. It helps its customers to make the right decision about tax policy and also prepare a relevant RPT (Related Party transaction) documentation in accordance with OECD standard. It has numerous overseas networks, who hold expertise in taxation and provides services across the world. As it is a customer-oriented firm, the company provides the most convenient mode of communication with taxation authorities.

Furthermore, the firm also incorporates accounting services ranging from corporations, associations, or business entities. It holds a strong internal standard to provide the best solutions to its customers. Even it gives its customers access to implement the knowledge of an International Financial Reporting Standards to understand the probable impact on his/her reports. “Our knowledge of international taxation rules as well expertise in certain local tax laws allow us to provide to our customers the best practice professional services,” asserts Ofer.

COVID-19: Blessing in Disguise

Ofer Vexler stood foremost even during COVI-19. The fundamental lesson that it learned was that the business ecosystem is highly fragile. Since, the firm works overseas, earlier, the company was not able to find out alternatives to continue it’s international projects, but with time, it became much more flexible in using e-meetings and video-conferences. Thus these conferences helped them to provide services in any part of this world. However, Ofer is of the opinion that distance work also has a dark side, as it led to a situation when remote working employees used personal devices and applications. The personal devices were not protected as internal corporate networks, and thus, the risk of hacker attack grew exponentially. The company knows hundreds of Ransomware and DDOS attacks that cause huge damages to a different business. This stood as the foremost reason for the company to expand its IS audit service and now, it also provides cybercrime vulnerability risk analysis to its clients.

“We are living in a crazy time, when the whole humanity is attacked by a virus and is under siege; when global warming is manifesting before our eyes; when digital transformation is coming and we learn to coexist with AI. We believe in digital transformation and try to increase technology used in our work,” says Ofer. He mentions that in future his firm will continue to concentrate on its work in smart decisions when most of the technical work would be performed by a robot or AI. At present, the firm is working on an automatic solution in data protection audit and trading surveillance.

Words of Appreciation from Satisfied Clientele

“I know Ofer Vexler for many years. He is a good expert in international taxation. He also has expertise and experience in making due diligence, evaluation ,and appraisal of high-tech companies.”– Alex Lazovsky, Managing General Partner, Scale-Up Venture Capital “We very appreciate the service provided by Ofer Vexler CPA, especially his expertise in international and local tax law.”  – Vladimir Shlimak, First Deputy General Director, Projects & Engineering, Caspian Drilling Company Ltd.

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