RobotShop: The Amazon of Robotics

Imagine you are sitting at home in front of your computer screen and operating a game like character, who is out to buy groceries for you. This is the level Robotics has been advanced to. Robotics carries the immense potential to improve our lives, our environment, the world we live in, and the human race itself. It begins with robotics in education, then robotics in our homes, in all services and all industries, under water, in the field, in the air, in space and even inside our bodies. Robotics is everywhere and all sciences lead to better technologies and better robots: better humans. “Robotics” is the topnotch solution. It was this belief what led the inception of RobotShop, the “Amazon of Robotics” with thousands of products and always growing.

With a mission to put robotics at one’s service, RobotShop was formed. The company specializes in robotics technology and offers a wide range of products and services in this sector.

How it all Started?

An inceptive mind behind RobotShop is Mario Tremblay. Mario is serving as CEO of the company. He created his first robot in the early 2000s. The “cat detector” chased her pet as soon as it noticed its presence, and Mario had to deactivate it before his cat burned out.

The experience of building mobile robots at home allowed him to realize that it was very difficult to obtain the parts he needed. He had to order from different companies, often abroad. This realization resulted in launching of RobotShop, a website where one will find everything about robotics.

In 1998, Mario left the military to resume civilian life and to further his education in robotics at École des Technologies Supérieures (ETS) in Montreal. On 3 May 2002, he spearheaded a project with two of his university colleagues to build a robotic lawn mower named “RoboR” and created RobotShop – Robotics at your Service – as a general/unlimited partnership. Sandra Fradet joined him at the end of 2003 to create RobotShop Distribution, and the previous unlimited partnership was dissolved. It was incorporated as RobotShop Distribution, Inc. and was renamed as RobotShop Inc. on January 4, 2016, to reflect the expansion of its activities in the service robotic market.

“We are at the beginning of the innovation chain; we are the ones making this technology available to individuals worldwide. In every box that we ship, in every piece of technology that we develop or help develop, there is something that helps increase the pleasure, knowledge, liberty or security of a human being,” Mario asserts.

Overcoming Obstacles

Back in 2003, RobotShop had not enough sales to pay Mario a salary for the first 2 years. In order to expand the company obtained encouragement from the CENTECH incubator and a few other organisations helping young entrepreneurs. Mario was walking 15 minutes everyday to bring the parcels to the post office. He had not enough volume to schedule a daily pickup. The website was builded from scratch. Manufacturers were asking too big minimum order quantities. But still, the main challenge was to manage growth every day with limited resources. Mario and Sandra stood tall and left no stones unturned to make RobotShop successful. Today, is the world’s leading online robotic marketplace.

Delivering Personalized Offerings

RobotShop specialized in robotics technology and made sure its customers find what they are looking for. The creation of the Marketplace allows RobotShop to increase its product offering to all segments of contemporary robotics, namely personal, professional and industrial robotics. The RobotShop Marketplace offers several advantages for manufacturers, notably the excellent reputation and visibility of the RobotShop brand in the field of robotics bringing a large number of visitors, amateurs and professionals with a keen interest in emerging technologies, as well as a large community promoting communication, mutual aid and technical support. The platform also contains advanced functionalities which optimize the categorization of products and create personalized spaces for merchants as well as an API facilitating operational integration.

Bringing Best out of Crisis

During the pandemic Robotshop first learned that robotics was essential to its customers. Sales dropped a bit but stayed strong. Secondly the company learned that working remotely was possible, so it publicly announced that it is transforming its business to favor remote work for the majority of its activities, even after Covid-19 Crisis. In addition to the advantages of remote work for its employees, the decentralization and offshoring of certain activities will allow the company to recruit talent from all over the world, which will offer better agility, flexibility and will help RobotShop face the shortage of manpower in certain sectors.

Providing Positive Impact of Robotics

RobotShop envisions to be the world’s leading source of robotics technology that positively impacts our lives.

According to various sources, the robotics market is set to become a predominant sector and could exceed 200 billion dollars by 2025. RobotShop is just at page one, chapter one of the robotics revolution. The company is a pioneer in its sector of activity. It works continuously to conserve and reinforce its leadership position to ensure it provides a positive impact. To ensure robotics has a positive impact.

Ensuring Customer Satisfaction

Below testimonials from the customers of RobotShop reflects the quality and satisfaction the company provides:

“All of this is so great that it helps me live my LIFE! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS SHOP AND ALL THAT IS IN IT!”

“Thank you so much for your help and making me feel that someone out there cared about my situation…”

“I am the happiest person alive and this is only because this website exists thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You have the biggest collection of robot parts I have ever seen. The choice you offer is out of this world….”

“You are THE BEST company in terms of customer service that I have ever dealt with! …”

“I love your customer service! is my heaven. You guys are phenomenal…”

“We purchased this product as a gift for our 90 year old mother who has suffered with Alzheimer’s for the last 10 years of her life. It was heartwarming and beautiful to see her reaction to the silver cat; she spoke to it and caressed it, brushed it’s hair and was so gentle with it. It really was the most amazing thing to see and gave us much pleasure in seeing her respond to something in such a positive way.This product is worth every penny and the sales and delivery service A*”

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